Wednesday 25 November 2009

Breast Lift - Perfect Way to Plan Your Surgery

Are you interested in giving some life back to your chest? Are your breasts sagging and are you losing your self-esteem with each passing minute? Age, pregnancy, and breast-feeding can all take a heavy toll on the fullness and perkiness of your breasts. Time to regain your lost confidence and zest in life!

To ease your problems, there is a procedure called breast lift. New Jersey based surgeon offers excellent procedures that can correct the effects of sagging breasts. If you have decided to get this procedure done, then you need to plan the surgery well.

Learn All You Can

You should try to know about breast lift. New Jersey based surgeon suggests that before you undergo the knife, it is essential to know what it is going to be like. During the surgery, the surgeon will make an incision around the areola that extends down the breast to the crease. The excess skin will be removed (and the implants can be inserted at this point if desired) and the areola will be repositioned for the most natural look.

Check Your Expectations

Without the implants, it will not be able to restore the fullness that your breasts once had. But it will simply get rid of the droopiness. You should also know that there will be some noticeable scars, but do not worry as these will fade considerably over time.

For breast lift, New Jersey based surgeon suggests that it is important to set realistic expectations failing which the doctors may be reluctant in performing the surgery.

Prepare for Recovery

Have someone ready to take you home after surgery and also make preparations for the ensuing recovery process. This means that you need to have someone around for the next day or two to help and care for you as you may feel sore and may need lot of rest. You may also need someone to fill the surgeon's prescriptions for antibiotics and pain relief medications immediately after surgery.

You should give enough notice at your job to get about a week of work off for the recovery period. During this time you need to avoid doing any strenuous work.

A breast lift may be just the thing to give you back the confidence in your appearance that you have been lacking. With some careful planning and realistic expectations, breast lift surgery can give you immense satisfaction and long-lasting results.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Specific Care of Body With Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction has become a very popular surgery for middle aged people as a way to either take off those last few pounds or to get rid of a few added pounds that have suddenly shown up. This surgery has become very routine for many surgeons and while patients faced a lot of pain years ago, advancements have made it much less painful. However, there is still specific care of body with liposuction surgery that should be taken.

Upon leaving the hospital, the patient can expect to get a check list or some type of instruction from the doctor. In most cases, it will give a point by point list of what the patient can and cannot do over the next few weeks after the surgery. This is a quick rundown of what can be expected once the patient arrives back home.

Liposuction patients will be put into a compression garment after the surgery. Depending upon where the surgery was, they will have to remain in that garment for up to 2 days without removing it. After that, the garment will have to be worn at all times except when in the shower for about 3 weeks. Once that period has passed, the garment will only have to be worn during waking hours for another 3 weeks.

It is very important to follow the rules of wearing the garment. Because the surgery is removing the fat that is attaching the skin to the bones, it must be compressed so that sagging does not result. The first three weeks are the most critical to reinitiate the bonding process and after about a month and a half, the process should be completed.

When the patient gets home, they can expect to see bruising. This is normal and will be in the area in and around where all of the fat was removed from. These areas are also going to be very sore from the liposuction. It is extremely important to rest and allow the body to recover from this invasive procedure.

Depending upon the technique of the surgeon, there may be some leakage from the incisions after the patient returns home. This is because some of the fluids that are used during the procedure may not have been totally sucked out during the procedure. It may be a little messy or disgusting, but it is nothing to be alarmed about. It is however important that care is taken so that the compression garment remains clean and dry.

The patient should do little to nothing for the first few days after the surgery and then can proceed to walk around but must avoid any heavy activity at all costs for at least two weeks. Once the period has passed where they need to keep the compression suit on all the time, they can resume with some light exercise and can return to their normal routine when the suit is no longer needed.

Make no mistake about it, the body is going to need some time to heal after this procedure and the post op rules that are laid out by the doctor must be followed to a tee. Rest is imperative to allow the body to heal and to regain the cohesiveness that it had prior to the surgery. While it may not seem like it right after the surgery, your body will be as good as new in a few months and looking much leaner than before.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Removal of Ovarian Cysts - Is There an Alternative to Painful Surgery?

Have you just discovered that you are suffering from ovarian cysts but are not too sure what it is and what you can do about it?

If you are looking for reliable information on the condition then you have hit the right page.

Ovarian cysts consist of usually small bags or sacs which are filled with a fluid. They normally develop on the ovaries. Of course, there is not just one type of cysts but many different ones. Each one has its own development and therefore its own symptoms.

Surgical removal of the cysts is often carried out but cannot guarantee that the cysts will not come back in the future.

The question of course for the million of women concerned with the pathology is what are the options?

It is perfectly understandable that women who have cysts will look at the first medical option available, which is surgery. However, bear in mind that surgery can be costly and may lead to some complications during or after the process. Some women also consider hormonal treatment and amongst the most used ones are the birth control pills.

If you decide to go for this option, using hormonal treatment for an extended amount of time can lead to various side effects. Therefore, if you are currently suffering from ovarian cysts, you should definitely consider having a look at the natural methods available.

Prevention remains the most important thing in ovarian cysts. A healthy lifestyle can decrease the chances of cysts developing. Using proven methods that have been used by millions of other women should be an important to consider when looking at getting rid of your cysts.

There are many different options available on the market that women can use at home in order to alleviate the symptoms of their cysts and amongst others, pain, swelling as well as pressure on the lower pelvic region for instance.

These natural methods usually start working after less than half an hour. Ovarian cysts are often the result of a problem within the biology of your body. These range from unbalanced hormones to even insulin levels and are directly responsible for chronic ovarian cysts. A change in your lifestyle can make all the difference and an increase in your daily consumption of fibre for instance can help alleviate symptoms and decrease the chances of getting these dreaded lumps.

Removal of ovarian cysts does not have to be carried out by a surgeon. You are perfectly able to fight off the condition alone and without the need for a medical intervention provided that you follow the correct steps.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Medical Vs Natural Cures For Endometriosis in Teenaged Women

The Steps to Finding a Cure

Are you tired of living with monthly cramps? Have you been told that it's "normal" to have to stay home from school a couple days per month? Do you have to take medications to make it through the day? Sure, a little monthly discomfort is normal, but if your pain interferes with your life, you may have endometriosis. You might also have another common condition that has endometriosis-like symptoms.

What is endometriosis?

It's a condition where the normal cells in your uterus grow in areas outside your uterus where they don't belong. They can grow on your pelvic wall, or on organs, like the bladder and intestines. Endometriosis is often painful, but don't worry; it's not life threatening, like cancer. The good news is that there are simple natural ways to decrease or eliminate your pain without drugs or surgery.

The point is, if you have chronic pelvic/abdominal pain, you don't need to just put up with it! Many young women have found a " new life"- pain free and able to do their favorite activities any time they want.

Step 1 Get a Checkup

The first thing to do is take charge of your body. Make it your "mission" to find out how to be pain-free. If you're feeling pain and discomfort, get an exam by a gynecologist you like. Exams are not much fun, but they can sometimes find simple problems that are easy to fix; and the pain is gone. They may also find something that needs attention right away. The doctor should be gentle, understanding, and willing to answer your questions. If you don't trust, or feel comfortable with the doctor, find someone else. It's your body, and you get to choose.

If they don't find something obvious or easy to fix, you might have endometriosis. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure that you have it, is to explore inside your abdomen with a laparoscope - an exploratory surgery. CT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds won't see it. The thing is, if they do find endometriosis inside, they may not be able to get it all out, and it could just grow back later. You might want to try some simple, natural things, first, that might help whether you have endometriosis or not.

A good doctor is needed for: Doing exams, arranging scans and lab tests to find obvious conditions, prescribing medications, and doing procedures (surgery). This is how they were trained, and it's how they make a living. Most doctors know very little about disease prevention, or time-tested, natural ways to cure diseases.

Step 2 Learn About the Natural Way

Many young women have cured or helped endometriosis and other common female problems with the same natural methods; by changing things in diet and health habits, and possibly adding natural, safe supplements. You can try the natural way first, and if you try surgery later, you can then use natural methods to keep the endometriosis from coming back.

Step 3 Choose Your Treatment Plan

Once you've talked to your doctor and heard her recommendations, learn about the practical, natural ways to improve your health, by simple changes in diet, health habits and safe supplements.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Deciding on Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is no longer a service reserved for the rich or for people in Hollywood. Cosmetic surgery clinics can be found all over the county, and ordinary people are having procedures done. There is a surgery available to change every part of your body in almost any way possible. Whatever you plan to have done, it is important o consider the risk, as well as why you want the surgery done.

1. It is very important to understand all the medical risks involved in the procedure you are interested in getting done. Before having it done, you should discuss the procedure with your medical doctor, and you should discuss any medical problems you have with your plastic surgeon. The surgeon needs to be aware of all medications you are taking since some of them can effect the procedure or interact with the medications you would be prescribed after the surgery. If you have conditions like diabetes, heart failure, or a blood disorder, it is possible you won't even qualify for cosmetic surgery. Getting your nose fixed is not worth risking your life.

2. You should talk to a counselor before having plastic surgery. Wanting plastic surgery does not mean you have a mental problem, but it is important to find out. Although the plastic surgery may change the way you look or feel, it will not change your life. It will not take away emotions like depression, regret, or shame. It can not erase anything that happened in the past, and it can not change the person you are. Plastic surgery can only change the way you look.

3. Ask yourself why you are getting the plastic surgery. The only answer should be that you want to. If you are considering surgery because your mom, sister, husband or boyfriend said you should, then it is not a good idea. You can't change your mind after the surgery is over and just go back to the way you looked before. If you are perfectly happy with your eyes, nose, and lips, than you certainly should not do anything to change them.