The term snoring is used for the sounds made by a person due to the breathing airways becoming narrow, especially when the person is asleep. The narrowing of this respiratory tract can be due to various reasons like physical characteristics, bad sleeping posture, cough and cold or allergies, impact of smoking, alcohol or tranquilizers which relax the muscles and hence reduce space for the air to go in and out etc.
Depending on the cause, snoring can to an extent be either completely resolved or at least partially reduced by using different things like sleeping on a side, cleaning the respiratory tract before sleeping and avoiding smoking and drinking near bed times. Apart from this, various medicinal options like anti-snoring pills and sprays and nasal strips are available, and there are even various dental appliances which a person can use to reduce, if not resolve snoring.
If none of these methods work, then and only then the patient should look at the option of surgery to get rid of snoring. The important thing to consider before getting an operation is to confirm that the snoring is due to palatal abnormality, and not due to issues with the nasal system. Unless that is the reason for snoring, the palatal operations will not resolve the issue. To check and figure out the exact problems few of the doctors perform an nasendoscopy procedure to get the estimate of the problem.
Following are a few of the various surgical options which are available to the surgeons and the patients.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
Laser-assisted uvuloplatoplasty (LAUP)
Platal stiffening operations (CAPSO)
Radio-frequency ablation (Somnoplasty)
Injection Snoreplasty
Pillar Procedure
These are all different types of surgery, which can be used to fix different types of issues to broaden the respiratory airway and hence allow the patient to breathe better. This will result in the resolving of the snoring problem. However, some of the methods are expensive and not available everywhere, also the same solution may not work for different people and you should choose the surgery, which is suited to solve your snoring problem. Discussing properly with your doctor will help you find such a solution.
Also, there are a few things to note, getting a surgery done does not guarantee success of solving the snoring problem. While some of the surgeries are painless, a few of them may cause pain and most of them are costly as compared to the other solutions for solving snoring. Also, the snoring surgery may be resolve the issue for some time and but then relapse over a period of time, if the person puts on more weight. Several doctors also do not suggest the surgery for snoring, unless the patient has a proper jaw shape, is not obese and also is not a heavy smoker or drinker, since these parameters would undo the effect of the operation.
All in all, while surgery is a way to solve the problem of snoring, it should be considered only when all other options fail to work.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Laser Surgery For Snoring - How It Works
Are you snoring in your sleep? This doesn't really matter if nobody is sleeping around you. However, if you are sleeping with a group of people, some people may get annoyed when you snore. If you have to share a room or sleep near somebody during traveling, try to sleep on your side as it may reduce snoring. If you don't believe that you snore, use a voice-activated recorder to see how bad you snore and what it sounds like.
Men tend to snore more than women and the snoring problem gets worse as age increases. However, some people, despite their age and sex, have a higher risk of developing problem snoring than others because of the hereditary size and shape of the uvula, tonsils, soft palate, and other parts of that construct the airway. In some surgical procedures like uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, the patient's uvula, tonsils, and soft palate are removed.
Heavy snoring can be either a social problem or a health problem although it is a social one in most cases. A lot of insurance companies do not cover the surgery cost because it is regarded as a cosmetic procedure rather than a medical procedure. Therefore, the patients have to cover the expenses themselves. The surgery expenses can be covered by the insurance companies only if the patient's condition clearly suggests that he needs nasal surgery due to major health concerns.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is an established surgical procedure to widen the airway by removing the soft tissue in the throat. Although it is mainly used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, it is also proven to be effective to reduce snoring. However, it becomes less popular because of the postoperative pain and lengthy recovery time. It also has a high relapse rate as the long term success rate declines significantly within a year.
Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP), developed in the late 1980s by Dr. Yves-Victor Kamami, is an outpatient laser surgical treatment for snoring. In this 30 minute procedure, a carbon dioxide laser is used to make incisions on the uvula under local anesthetic. First, the surgeon will spray lidocaine, a commonly used anesthetic, over the back part of the throat and wait a few moments for it to take effect. The surgeon will then inject more anesthetic into the uvula before making incisions with the carbon dioxide laser. He will make two vertical incisions on the sides of the uvula and one more incision to remove the tip of the uvula. LAUP is normally done as a series of three to five sessions, spaced five to eight weeks apart. In most cases, snoring is eliminated in one session.
After surgery, most patients may suffer some considerable postoperative pain for two weeks. Dryness of the throat may also occur to some people. There is also a worry that sleep apnea may be left undiagnosed because snoring is the common symptom of the disorder. Before going for LAUP, patients must be given the right diagnosis to ensure that he can benefit from this procedure.
Men tend to snore more than women and the snoring problem gets worse as age increases. However, some people, despite their age and sex, have a higher risk of developing problem snoring than others because of the hereditary size and shape of the uvula, tonsils, soft palate, and other parts of that construct the airway. In some surgical procedures like uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, the patient's uvula, tonsils, and soft palate are removed.
Heavy snoring can be either a social problem or a health problem although it is a social one in most cases. A lot of insurance companies do not cover the surgery cost because it is regarded as a cosmetic procedure rather than a medical procedure. Therefore, the patients have to cover the expenses themselves. The surgery expenses can be covered by the insurance companies only if the patient's condition clearly suggests that he needs nasal surgery due to major health concerns.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is an established surgical procedure to widen the airway by removing the soft tissue in the throat. Although it is mainly used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, it is also proven to be effective to reduce snoring. However, it becomes less popular because of the postoperative pain and lengthy recovery time. It also has a high relapse rate as the long term success rate declines significantly within a year.
Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP), developed in the late 1980s by Dr. Yves-Victor Kamami, is an outpatient laser surgical treatment for snoring. In this 30 minute procedure, a carbon dioxide laser is used to make incisions on the uvula under local anesthetic. First, the surgeon will spray lidocaine, a commonly used anesthetic, over the back part of the throat and wait a few moments for it to take effect. The surgeon will then inject more anesthetic into the uvula before making incisions with the carbon dioxide laser. He will make two vertical incisions on the sides of the uvula and one more incision to remove the tip of the uvula. LAUP is normally done as a series of three to five sessions, spaced five to eight weeks apart. In most cases, snoring is eliminated in one session.
After surgery, most patients may suffer some considerable postoperative pain for two weeks. Dryness of the throat may also occur to some people. There is also a worry that sleep apnea may be left undiagnosed because snoring is the common symptom of the disorder. Before going for LAUP, patients must be given the right diagnosis to ensure that he can benefit from this procedure.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Bariatric Surgery – Your Way To Weight Loss
The obese patients are at high risk of diabetes and cardiac ailments. Bariatric surgeries aim at reducing their food intake by making their stomach and intestines smaller. Using Bariatric surgery, the amount of food you can eat and digest is limited by changing the anatomy of your digestive system. For those who are fat with a BMI of at least 40 and others with a BMI of 30 and suffering from some serious medical conditions like diabetes, it is vital that the bodyweight is decreased to a safe level. Bariatric surgery is supposed to gain this. Bariatric surgery is an excellent method for overweight people who cannot follow weight loss program or exercise. By reducing stomach size or resulting in decreased absorption of nutrients and sometimes both, Bariatric surgery yields great health benefits in cases like Type-2 diabetes and also in prevention of cancer.
The gastric sleeve, lap-band and Bariatric bypass surgeries are the commonly performed Bariatric surgeries. The surgeon in this discipline will determine the nature of surgery needed in a particular case. Sometimes, a real mix of these types is adapted in a particular case. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. You cannot find any set or universal method of performing Bariatric surgery. A few surgeries are open while others laparoscopic. Just after Bariatric surgery, your life-style should be transformed to make it easier to follow normal life. The surgery is performed to limit your food intake. Normally, the stomach capacity after the operation is significantly reduced to a few ounces of solid foods or liquids. Firstly, after Bariatric surgery you could feel devoid of energy, but soon, your body adapts itself to the changed circumstances. It's possible to return to normal activities within six weeks of Bariatric surgery.
The diet of the patient undergoes a change after Bariatric surgery. The gastro intestinal tract takes 1-3 days to recover. The patient has to take clear liquid diet in this recovery period. This diet comprises of clear broth, diluted fruit juices or gelatin desserts without sugar. Afterwards, a boring diet of pureed food like cream of wheat, protein drinks, cream soup or mashed potatoes with gravy are given not less than fourteen days. Right after Bariatric surgery, any food intake beyond the reduced capacity of the stomach causes nausea and throwing up thereby curbing overeating. To compensate for reduced intake of essential nutrients, many patients are given Vitamin pills for life. In most cases, physicians prescribe a diet rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates and alcohol to compensate for the loss in quantity of food intakes. It should be borne in mind that a carefully drawn up diet plan would allow for greater weight loss and keep your system healthy.
The Bariatric surgery cost ranges from $18,000to $35,000. However the post Bariatric surgery charges that include dietary recommendations, body shaping, and behavioral changes are surplus. Some of the costs can be covered under health insurance. The costs of most grossly obese patients are covered by insurances.
The gastric sleeve, lap-band and Bariatric bypass surgeries are the commonly performed Bariatric surgeries. The surgeon in this discipline will determine the nature of surgery needed in a particular case. Sometimes, a real mix of these types is adapted in a particular case. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. You cannot find any set or universal method of performing Bariatric surgery. A few surgeries are open while others laparoscopic. Just after Bariatric surgery, your life-style should be transformed to make it easier to follow normal life. The surgery is performed to limit your food intake. Normally, the stomach capacity after the operation is significantly reduced to a few ounces of solid foods or liquids. Firstly, after Bariatric surgery you could feel devoid of energy, but soon, your body adapts itself to the changed circumstances. It's possible to return to normal activities within six weeks of Bariatric surgery.
The diet of the patient undergoes a change after Bariatric surgery. The gastro intestinal tract takes 1-3 days to recover. The patient has to take clear liquid diet in this recovery period. This diet comprises of clear broth, diluted fruit juices or gelatin desserts without sugar. Afterwards, a boring diet of pureed food like cream of wheat, protein drinks, cream soup or mashed potatoes with gravy are given not less than fourteen days. Right after Bariatric surgery, any food intake beyond the reduced capacity of the stomach causes nausea and throwing up thereby curbing overeating. To compensate for reduced intake of essential nutrients, many patients are given Vitamin pills for life. In most cases, physicians prescribe a diet rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates and alcohol to compensate for the loss in quantity of food intakes. It should be borne in mind that a carefully drawn up diet plan would allow for greater weight loss and keep your system healthy.
The Bariatric surgery cost ranges from $18,000to $35,000. However the post Bariatric surgery charges that include dietary recommendations, body shaping, and behavioral changes are surplus. Some of the costs can be covered under health insurance. The costs of most grossly obese patients are covered by insurances.
Monday, 10 January 2011
Laser Eye Surgery: What Are The Potential Side Effects?
With the ever-growing popularity of laser eye surgery and the continual advancements in the procedures and technology, the primary concern of many people considering the surgery is this: what are the potential side effects?
The good news is that both PRK (photorefractive keratectomy laser eye surgery designed to correct mild myopia and astigmatism) and Lasik procedures involve few risks. In fact, serious vision-threatening complications are minimal. However, as with any form of surgery, there can be potential side effects. Here are the most common side effects that can result from laser eye surgery:
Infection And Delayed Healing
Approximately one-tenth of one percent of all patients suffer from a corneal infection after undergoing PRK. Slightly fewer face an infection after Lasik. A cornea infection will not result in any long-term effects, however there generally is some additional discomfort and the healing process is slower.
Under Correction/Overcorrection
Even though tremendous advances have been made in laser eye surgery, a surgeon cannot predict precisely how your eyes will respond to the procedure. In some cases, you might need to continue to wear corrective lenses after surgery. If the results are particularly unsatisfactory, you do have the option to undergo a second surgical procedure to improve your vision.
Decrease In Best-Corrected Vision
After laser eye surgery, a few patients find that their best-corrected vision with contact lenses is actually worse than it was before the surgery. This is a rare occurrence, but can occur if there's been irregular tissue removal or if a corneal haze has developed.
Excessive Corneal Haze
Corneal haze is not unusual. In fact, it's part of the normal recovery process after refractive surgery. Generally, it won't affect your final vision, and will only be evident to an ophthalmologist using a microscope. However, in some cases, excessive corneal haze does interfere with your final vision. In such a case, it can often be corrected with a second surgery. Also worth noting, the risk of encountering excessive corneal haze is much lower with Lasik eye surgery than with PRK.
Regression is exactly as it sounds: for some patients, after a period of several they find their vision returning to its pre-surgery state. In other words, they find the surgery to be ineffective. A second surgical procedure is usually possible in such cases.
Halo Effect
The halo effect will generally go unnoticed except in situations where the light is dim. As the name implies, a second faded image is seen as the pupil enlarges. This image is produced by the untreated peripheral cornea. The danger here is that the halo effect can often interfere with your night driving.
Flap Damage or Loss
In some Lasik cases, instead of creating a hinged flap on the center of the cornea, the entire flap comes off. This can usually be replaced after the laser treatment. However, in some cases, the flap may be damaged or lost.
Distorted Flap
Also in reference to the Lasik procedure, if the healing of the corneal flap is irregular, then the shape of the cornea can become distorted. This will often result in your best-corrected vision being disappointing.
Other Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery
Even when both the procedure and the healing process seem to go perfectly, there are some side effects that may still cause dissatisfaction. Older patients, for example, cannot have both distance and near vision in the same eye without wearing glasses or contact lenses. Patients suffering from myopia but who could still read without glasses may no longer be able to read without glasses after surgery. And finally, if both eyes are not treated at the same time, the eyes might work awkwardly together between the time of the first surgery and the second surgery.
The good news is that both PRK (photorefractive keratectomy laser eye surgery designed to correct mild myopia and astigmatism) and Lasik procedures involve few risks. In fact, serious vision-threatening complications are minimal. However, as with any form of surgery, there can be potential side effects. Here are the most common side effects that can result from laser eye surgery:
Infection And Delayed Healing
Approximately one-tenth of one percent of all patients suffer from a corneal infection after undergoing PRK. Slightly fewer face an infection after Lasik. A cornea infection will not result in any long-term effects, however there generally is some additional discomfort and the healing process is slower.
Under Correction/Overcorrection
Even though tremendous advances have been made in laser eye surgery, a surgeon cannot predict precisely how your eyes will respond to the procedure. In some cases, you might need to continue to wear corrective lenses after surgery. If the results are particularly unsatisfactory, you do have the option to undergo a second surgical procedure to improve your vision.
Decrease In Best-Corrected Vision
After laser eye surgery, a few patients find that their best-corrected vision with contact lenses is actually worse than it was before the surgery. This is a rare occurrence, but can occur if there's been irregular tissue removal or if a corneal haze has developed.
Excessive Corneal Haze
Corneal haze is not unusual. In fact, it's part of the normal recovery process after refractive surgery. Generally, it won't affect your final vision, and will only be evident to an ophthalmologist using a microscope. However, in some cases, excessive corneal haze does interfere with your final vision. In such a case, it can often be corrected with a second surgery. Also worth noting, the risk of encountering excessive corneal haze is much lower with Lasik eye surgery than with PRK.
Regression is exactly as it sounds: for some patients, after a period of several they find their vision returning to its pre-surgery state. In other words, they find the surgery to be ineffective. A second surgical procedure is usually possible in such cases.
Halo Effect
The halo effect will generally go unnoticed except in situations where the light is dim. As the name implies, a second faded image is seen as the pupil enlarges. This image is produced by the untreated peripheral cornea. The danger here is that the halo effect can often interfere with your night driving.
Flap Damage or Loss
In some Lasik cases, instead of creating a hinged flap on the center of the cornea, the entire flap comes off. This can usually be replaced after the laser treatment. However, in some cases, the flap may be damaged or lost.
Distorted Flap
Also in reference to the Lasik procedure, if the healing of the corneal flap is irregular, then the shape of the cornea can become distorted. This will often result in your best-corrected vision being disappointing.
Other Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery
Even when both the procedure and the healing process seem to go perfectly, there are some side effects that may still cause dissatisfaction. Older patients, for example, cannot have both distance and near vision in the same eye without wearing glasses or contact lenses. Patients suffering from myopia but who could still read without glasses may no longer be able to read without glasses after surgery. And finally, if both eyes are not treated at the same time, the eyes might work awkwardly together between the time of the first surgery and the second surgery.
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